Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File For BGMi & Pubg
Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File For BGMi & Pubg

Super Smooth Lag Fix: Hello gamers! Are You Looking for a Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File?

That’s great! Because you’ve come to the best website.

Hey Guys Welcome Back to another post on where I always share Config files today in this post I am sharing the Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File. So Let’s Start It

If you’re impressed with this Config file, be sure to leave your positive feedback in the comments section below. Also, make sure to share our website with your Squad so they can enjoy the same op Config file for free. Now, let’s discuss the full details of this Config file.

What is Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File?

Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File is a script file created by developers. Although it requires some code knowledge, making one is fairly simple.

This file helps raise the game’s frame rate to 90 frames per second, which can make the experience better. You can read more about how to use it and what it has in this article.

Benefits of Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File

Your game will reach the next level after you apply this Config File. No matter how old it is, your mobile device will work perfectly. Your game will work perfectly, so you can fully enjoy it. You can play the game easily with this file; it’s the answer to all your troubles.

Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File

Config FileSuper Smooth Lag Fix
VersionLatest Update 3.1
GameBGMi & Pubg
Safe100% Safe

How to Use Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File?

To use the Super Smooth Lag Fix Config file, follow these steps:

  1. First of All, Download the Super Smooth Lag Fix config File From the Below Download Link
  2. Now Extract The Downloaded File Using Zarchiver App
  3. After That Copy Files Folder and Paste it into the Below path
  4. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/BGMi or PubgFolder/files
  5. All Done, You have successfully applied Super Smooth Lag Fix Config Files in Bgmi
  6. Restart your device and launch Bgmi.

Common Causes of Lag in PUBG Mobile

There are a few common reasons why you may experience lag while playing PUBG Mobile:

Device Specifications

PUBG Mobile is a graphically intensive game. If you are using an older device or one with low specs in terms of processor, RAM and GPU, you are more likely to face performance issues. Gameplay will not be smooth and lag is common.

Network Connectivity

Lag and high ping times can also occur if you have a spotty/slow internet connection or weak Wi-Fi signal. PUBG Mobile requires good network connectivity for smooth online multiplayer performance. Packet loss can cause rubber banding lag.

Server Issues

High server latency from the PUBG servers themselves can also sometimes cause lag. If too many people are connected to the same server, it may cause performance issues.

Super Smooth Lag Fix Features

  1. ✅Supporting all devices
  2. ✅100% working
  3. ✅Easy to use
  4. ✅Super Smooth
  5. ✅100% safe
  6. ✅No lag issue
  7. ✅No crash issue

Important Steps To Do Before Using Config File

  1. Don’t play BGMi when your battery is below 20%.
  2. Close recent apps before playing the game.
  3. Always have free space on your device for optimal performance.
  4. Don’t play BGMi when your device is overheated.
  5. Adjust your graphic settings according to your device’s compatibility.


In this article, I have shared Super Smooth Lag Fix Config File With You. I hope you have liked it Please do share it with your friends and follow our blog for more.

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