Super Smooth 60 Fps Config File
Super Smooth 60 Fps Config File

Super Smooth 60 Fps Config File: In the world of mobile gaming, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMi) and PUBG Mobile have become immensely popular. Gamers are continually seeking ways to enhance their gaming experience.

One crucial aspect of improving your gameplay is achieving a smoother and more responsive frame rate. In this article, we will explore the BGMi + PUBG Super Smooth 60 FPS Config File, which can significantly enhance your gaming experience.

What is a Config File?

A configuration file, often known as a config file, is a set of parameters and settings that influence how a program or game operates. In the context of BGMi and PUBG, a config file allows players to tweak various in-game settings to optimize performance.

The Importance of Frame Rate

Frame rate, often referred to as frames per second (FPS), plays a critical role in the gaming experience. A higher frame rate results in smoother and more responsive gameplay. Gamers can react more swiftly, aim more accurately, and enjoy an overall immersive experience.

BGMi + Pubg Super Smooth 60 Fps Config File

Config FileSuper Smooth Config File
PublisherSubham Roy
Safe100% Safe

Super Smooth 60 Fps Config File Features

  1. Super Smooth Graphic
  2. 90 Fps
  3. 60 Fps
  4. 40 Fps
  5. iPhone View
  6. Full No Texture

How to Use Bgmi Super Smooth Config File?

To use the Bgmi Super Smooth Config file, follow these steps:

  1. First of All, Get the Super Smooth config File From the Google
  2. Now Extract The Get File Using Zarchiver App
  3. After That Copy Files Folder and Paste it into the Below path
  4. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/BGMi or Pubg Folder/file
  5. All Done, You have successfully applied Super Smooth Config Files in Bgmi
  6. Restart your device and launch Bgmi.

Benefits of a 60 FPS Config File

A 60 FPS Config File is designed to unlock the full potential of your mobile device and provide an exceptionally smooth gaming experience. The benefits include:

  • Butter-smooth gameplay
  • Improved responsiveness
  • Enhanced graphics
  • Reduced lag and stutter


In this article, I have shared BGMi + Pubg Super Smooth 60 Fps Config File With You. I hope you have liked it Please do share it with your friends and follow our blog for more.

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